As we near the holidays and the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what matters most. For InventoryLab, it’s our customers, our business partners, and all of our friends and families.

One thing that makes this company so successful is the people who keep it going. We always say that we have a really special group of people working for us (because it’s true)! We come from all over the United States with different backgrounds and cultures. Each of us has unique skills, talents, experiences, and viewpoints. We celebrate and embrace our similarities and differences alike. We cherish the friendships that we’ve created and respect one another as work colleagues. While our approaches and work styles may vary from person to person, we find ways to successfully and creatively collaborate to get the work done. We all understand that when we truly work together, we succeed. And when we succeed, our customers succeed.

As a company, we’ve certainly had our share of ups and downs, good times and not-so-good times, personal milestones and personal losses. Through it all, we’ve been able to persevere by knowing that no matter what happens, we will be there for one another the way family is supposed to be. There’s no way to prevent all of life’s unexpected roadblocks. As Henry Ford said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Knowing we have another support system beyond our friends and relatives helps all of us feel a little more secure and a lot less stressed.

We want to thank all of our subscribers (and readers) for all of your continued support throughout this past year. Without you, there would be no InventoryLab. We continue to be grateful for and humbled by the growing number of new users and by those who have been with us since the beginning and continue to stick with us year after year. 

As we all reflect upon the past year, we hope that it has brought each of you equal measures of success, happiness, and growth. No matter who you are, where you live, what you’ll be celebrating this holiday season, or what you hold most dear, we hope that this year has also given you something to be grateful for. Here’s hoping that 2020 is even better!

To our customers, business partners, and associates from all of us here at IL, Happy Holidays and a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!