Tag: bookskeep

The Story of My New Book: Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit

My new book, Motherhood, Apple Pie, and All That Happy Horseshit launches on May 4th, and while I can’t give too much away about the title since this story opens up the book, I can tell you that it is a personal story from my corporate job. I can also say that the title is derogatory […]

Are You Ready to Pay the Taxman?

Everything is so expensive right now. This week alone I got notifications from two software companies and my business insurance agency that their prices were going up. Not to mention the extra costs for gas and groceries. As if that’s not enough to manage, we have to be ready to pay our tax bill in […]

Celebrations and Resolutions—And How They Serve Ecommerce Business

I had a wonderful chat yesterday with a client, Beth Fynbo of Busy Baby, LLC. She shared a couple things that are important reminders for this time of year. Beth has grown her business from concept to $5 million in sales in just a few short years, so she’s doing a lot right! She reminded […]

How to Keep Your Business Vision Front and Center—And Why You Need To!

I recently had the privilege of attending the wedding of a longtime family friend. The following morning, I was reflecting on the ceremony and all the possibilities that await the newlyweds. One thing that struck me is the intention for the new life and journey ahead that was set by the minister and affirmed during […]

Ecommerce Year-End Checklist—Take It in Bite-sized Pieces

By late December, Q4 is, as they say, “all over but the shouting.” Take a few minutes each day, between checking your sales stats, to check off a financial task so you won’t be overwhelmed in January. You’ll need a checklist broken down into manageable, bite-size pieces. Using the checklist below, you can get started […]

5 Best Practices to Scale and Sell Your Amazon Business

Congratulations! You have figured out how to sell on Amazon and are now making a little profit. What’s next? How can you scale and grow your profits so you can be confident in this income stream so you can leave your day job or eventually sell your business? Maybe you’re not sure what to do first? Let’s […]

InventoryLab and bookskeep Answer Your Ecommerce Questions!

It was such a pleasure to visit with Andrea and Jeff from InventoryLab recently on their OpenLab webinar series. We had some great questions about how to prepare for Q4. I believe when one person asks, many typically have the same question, so I’m picking out some of the most common ones for discussion here. […]

Are You Running Your Ecommerce Business—Or is it Running You?

Are you building your business to support the life you want to live? Or are you so busy getting everything done that life is passing you by? While I mostly write about cash flow, I’ve come to realize that the real currency in our lives is time. This is true for life and for business. […]