In today’s tech savvy world, more and more industries are hiring remote workers. Some companies (like our very own InventoryLab) have fully remote teams who operate from all over the United States.

Typically when you think of remote employment, certain industries probably come to mind. Freelance writing is one of the most recognizable jobs that relies almost solely on remote employees. Medical professionals have been hiring transcriptionists for decades, many of whom work from home. Maybe you think of tutors for elementary and high school students or music instructors for all ages. Or perhaps mobile auto insurance adjusters who write repair estimates come to mind.

Whatever remote jobs you might already be familiar with, there are probably some you hadn’t even considered.

The Benefits of Remote Employees

Many employees in the workforce already recognize the benefits of working remotely. Not only can having remote employees save a company money, it can reduce the amount of time missed from work, boost production, and increase morale. By allowing an employee the flexibility of working from home, it allows for a better balance between work and personal life. Employees don’t need to take off as much time to take care of sick or injured family members, be present for home repairs and service visits, or because of inclement weather.

So What Industries Offer Remote Employment?

Now that more and more companies are also realizing the benefits of hiring remote workers, there are more opportunities than ever before to work remotely in some surprising industries:

-Healthcare & Auto Claim Services

-Software Engineer

-Nonprofit Work

-Business Consultant

-Translation Services

-IT Support Tech

With a dedicated workspace, working phone number, internet connection, and computer, employees are able to tackle full-time positions doing everything from handling insurance claims to designing and implementing new software platforms.

While there are certainly some challenges to working remotely (which we talked about here this past February), for many employers the benefits can far outweigh those potential hurdles.

The Trends

In a FlexJobs 2018 survey about remote work, 76% percent of more than 3,000 respondents said they would be more loyal to their respective employers if they had flexible work options. It was also noted that for the past six years, polling has shown that work/life balance is the number one reason why people are interested in the kind of flexibility that remote work can offer.

In 2017, the New York Times reported that a Gallup poll found that 43% of Americans had spent at least some time working from home out of more than 15,000 adult respondents. This number reflected a 4% increase from 2012 and is in line with the 2018 polling data that indicated flexibility is a major factor in employment consideration for many people.

Working remotely can also give employers the opportunity to draw talent from all over the world, not just within their country of origin. By the same token, remote employees can potentially access employment opportunities that they wouldn’t normally have due to geographical limitations.

There are more remote work opportunities available around the globe than ever before. Even if you currently work in an industry that offers little or no remote work, more and more companies are taking note of the way operating with a remote team can save money and boost productivity. Learning which companies are recognizing the benefits of remote work and changing the way they do business is an important first step in taking advantage of the increasing number of remote opportunities available.